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- === Zangband Objects ===
- The Zangband dungeons are full of objects and many monsters you meet
- will be carrying one or more items about their person which you may
- retrieve from their corpse should you be skillful enough to defeat
- them. You may pick up objects by moving on top of them. By setting
- various options (see option.txt#UserInterface [1]) you may choose to
- pick up items automatically or to be prompted before picking up
- objects.
- Many objects found within the dungeon have special commands for their
- use. Wands must be 'a'imed, staves must be 'u'sed, scrolls must be
- 'r'ead, and potions must be 'q'uaffed. You may, in general, not only
- use items in your pack, but also items on the ground, if you are
- standing on top of them.
- ***** <ObjectSymbols>
- === Object Symbols ===
- ! A potion (or flask) / A pole-arm
- ? A scroll (or book) | An edged weapon
- , A mushroom (or food) \ A hafted weapon
- - A wand or rod } A sling, bow, or x-bow
- _ A staff { A shot, arrow, or bolt
- = A ring ( Soft armor
- " An amulet [ Hard armor
- $ Gold or gems ] Misc. armor
- ~ Lites, Tools, Chests, etc ) A shield
- ~ Junk, Sticks, Skeletons, etc & Chests
- ` Statues or Figurines
- ***** <EquipInvent>
- === Equipment and Inventory ===
- You can carry up to 23 different objects in your backpack while wearing
- and wielding up to 12 others. Note that the additional powers and
- abilities some objects can grant the player are only effective when
- they are wielded. A Shield of Resist Acid, for example, will not
- protect you from the effects of acid while it is in your backpack.
- items you wear and wield are referred to as your 'equipment' while items
- contained in your backpack are referred to as your 'inventory'. You may
- view a list of your current inventory and equipment at any time by
- using the 'i' and 'e' commands respectively.
- Although you are limited to 23 different items in your inventory, each
- item may actually be a 'pile' of up to 99 similar items. This allows
- you to carry multiple spell books, rations of food and other essential
- items while not using up all your inventory slots. If you somehow
- manage to stuff 24 items into your pack, for example, by removing an
- item from your head while your pack is full, then your pack will
- 'overflow' and the most recently added item will fall out and onto the
- ground. You will be warned about any command that seems likely to
- induce this behavior.
- In addition to the number of different items you may carry, you are
- also limited in the total amount of weight that you can carry. As you
- approach this value, you become slower, making it easier for monsters
- to chase you. Note that there is no upper bound on how much you can
- carry, if you do not mind being slow. The amount you may carry before
- becoming slowed is determined by your strength. For this purpose, the
- weight of both your equipment and your inventory is taken into
- consideration.
- Because of these space and weight constraints, it is important that a
- player learns to manage his inventory efficiently. You must juggle
- carefully the need for carrying essential items such as food, fuel for
- your light source, spellbooks (if applicable), healing items, escaping
- items, and the 101 other things necessary for your survival while at
- the same time maintaining space to carry back treasure from the
- dungeon for sale in the town and ensuring that you do not exceed your
- weight limit.
- ***** <Stacking>
- === Object Stacking ===
- Normally, only one object can occupy any given floor space, which may
- or may not also contain one creature. Zangband's Stacking Options (see
- option.txt#Stacking [2]) provide a means for allowing multiple objects
- to share the same floor space by creating 'stacks'. Any object on the
- floor, including those forming part of a stack, may actually be a
- 'pile' of up to 99 identical items. Objects may not be created or
- placed on spaces where doors, rubble, traps, and staircases already
- exist.
- ***** <Generation>
- === Object Generation ===
- Objects are generated by Zangband when you enter a dungeon level and
- spread liberally around the dungeon floor. They may also be generated
- when a monster is killed (assuming the monster is capable of carrying
- objects). Each object has a 'native' depth or a depth at which it
- begins to be commonly found in the dungeon. It is unusual, though not
- impossible, to find objects significantly shallower in the dungeon than
- their native depths. Note that although items generated on the floor
- may be in 'piles', they will never be in 'stacks'.
- Which items are generated at the creation of the level or by the death
- of a monster is determined by a number of factors including the current
- dungeon level, the monster's native level and the native depth of the
- object being considered for generation. The quality of the object, in
- the case of monster drops, is also affected by the guaranteed quality
- level (if any) of that monster's drop.
- Monster drops are either normal, 'good' or 'great'. While these terms
- generally refer to equipment such as weapons and armor (for example,
- a 'good' drop means that any equipment generated is guaranteed to have
- magical pluses and a 'great' drop means that any equipment generated is
- guaranteed to be either an ego item or an artifact), they also
- encompass certain other objects. For example, Amulets of the Magi, the
- dungeon-only spellbooks and Rings of Speed are all considered as being
- 'great' objects and may therefore be dropped by a monster with a
- 'great' drop. Note that some monsters may drop treasure rather than
- objects.
- ***** <Compaction>
- === Object Compaction ===
- Zangband can track a large, but finite, number of objects at any one
- time. If, as you kill monsters, the number of objects dropped together
- with the number of objects already lying on the floor exceeds this
- limit you will be told that the game is 'compacting objects'.
- When Zangband compacts objects it first attempts to combine similar
- objects into piles and, if this does not create sufficient space, will
- delete already existing items to create space for new ones. To the
- extent possible the compacting is performed on objects some distance
- away from the players current position. During compaction, items are
- removed in order of increasing quality with the least useful items
- removed first. Ego items are rarely removed from the level during the
- compaction process while artifacts (see below [3]) are never removed.
- ***** <CursedObjects>
- === Cursed Objects ===
- A goodly percentage of the items generated in the dungeon or dropped by
- monsters will be cursed. Most cursed items will have penalties to
- various things such as your skill and deadliness or your armor class.
- They may also have other undesirable attributes. Shopkeepers will
- refuse to buy cursed items.
- Should you wield a cursed item, you will be prompted by the message
- "Oops, it feels deathly cold!" and the item will be automatically
- inscribed as being {cursed}. Once wielded, a cursed item may not be
- taken off until it has been uncursed. Uncursing an object will allow it
- to be removed but will not remove the negative effects such as the
- penalties mentioned above.
- There are several ways to uncurse objects. The Life realm contains two
- spells (one stronger than the other) for the purpose. There are also
- scrolls that you may find or purchase from the Temple which are similar
- to these prayers in their effect. It is also possible that in the
- course of enchanting an item you may lift a curse as a side-effect the
- enchanting process although this is not guaranteed to happen.
- Note: that items which can be activated (such as Dragon Scale Mail or
- some artifacts) become more difficult to activate when they are cursed.
- --- The Curses ---
- There are several different types of curse and more than one may be
- present on a single object although this is rare.
- Light Curse
- A lightly cursed item will typically have penalties to armor class,
- skill and deadliness, and various other things as appropriate. It
- may be uncursed reading a Scroll of Remove Curse or by the weaker
- Life realm prayer.
- Heavy Curse
- A heavily cursed item will typically have penalties to armor class,
- skill and deadliness, and various other things as appropriate. It
- may be uncursed reading a Scroll of *Remove Curse*. or by the
- stronger Life realm prayer.
- Permanent Curse
- Items that are permanently cursed may not be uncursed and so may
- not be removed once worn. You may occasionally find objects that
- are permanently cursed and which you are tempted to wield. Think
- carefully before you do so because you probably won't get a chance
- to change your mind.
- ***** <AncientCurse>
- === The Ancient and Foul Curse ===
- The Ancient and Foul Curse is sometimes referred to incorrectly as 'The
- Curse of Topi Ylinen' after the person who first created it. Unlike the
- other curses discussed above, an object with the Ancient and Foul Curse
- can be removed at any time and as a result you will not get the "Oops,
- it feels deathly cold!" prompt when wielding it (unless, of course, it
- also has one of the other curses in which case both these behaviors
- will be present as a consequence of the secondary curse(s)).
- While the item is wielded, the curse will be randomly invoked every so
- often. When invoked, the curse may have one or more of several possible
- effects in various combinations. Fortunately, some of the worst of such
- combinations such as being paralyzed while Cyberdemons are summoned
- around you are prevented from happening. Some possible effects of the
- curse include: summoning monsters, summoning Cyberdemons, paralyzation
- (even with Free Action), teleporting the player, removing the walls
- around the player, amnesia, decreasing one or more primary stats both
- temporarily and permanently among others.
- Note: Although the Ancient and Foul Curse is primarily found on
- objects, there are a number of other occasions where you might fall
- foul of it. These include as side effects of miss-cast spells, setting
- off certain traps, as a 'reward' from a chaos-warrior's patron and as
- the dying curse of an Amberite.
- ***** <ObjectFlavors>
- === Object Flavors ===
- Some objects (scrolls, potions, wands, rods and staves) are 'flavored
- items'. This means that with each game they are given a random flavor.
- For example, the first time you find a Potion of Heroism it might be
- described as a 'Dark Blue Potion'. Once you have identified it, the
- potion will be described as a 'Dark Blue Potion of Heroism'. Flavors
- vary from game to game so your next character might discover that that
- same Dark Blue Potion is now something entirely different. This means
- that each new character must set about learning exactly what each
- flavored items is.
- One of the Zangband Options allows the player to switch to 'plain'
- object descriptions which removes the flavored description from known
- flavored items so that the potion above, once identified, would be
- described simply as a 'Potion of Heroism'.
- ***** <PseudoID>
- === Pseudo-ID ===
- Occasionally, as you wander around the dungeon you will sense something
- about the quality of an item or items you are wielding or carrying in
- your backpack. This sensing ability is called 'pseudo-id' and is
- limited to weapons and armor. The speed and accuracy of your pseudo-id
- ability depends on a number of factors but the primary considerations
- are your class and level. Pseudo-id can be 'strong' or 'weak' and
- 'slow', 'medium' or 'fast'.
- Table 1 - Pseudo-Id ability of the Classes
- Class Method Speed
- ----------------------------------------
- Warrior Strong Very Fast
- Mage/High-Mage Weak Slow
- Priest Weak Very Fast
- Rogue Strong Fast
- Ranger Strong Medium
- Paladin Strong Medium
- Warrior-Mage Weak Medium
- Mindcrafter Weak Medium
- Chaos Warrior Strong Medium
- Monk Weak Fast
- When you pseudo-id an item, it will be inscribed (see below [4]) with
- the quality level you have determined it to be of. This inscription
- will remain until you identify it (see below [5]) at which time it will
- be removed. The various inscriptions and their meanings are as follows:
- Table 2 - Strong Pseudo-Id
- Inscription Meaning
- -------------------------------------------------
- terrible a cursed artifact
- worthless a cursed ego item
- tainted a cursed, "excellent" item
- cursed a cursed item
- dubious a cursed, enchanted item
- bad an item with negative plusses
- special a non-cursed artifact
- excellent a good ego item
- good an enchanted item
- average an average item
- Table 3 - Weak Pseudo-Id
- Inscription Meaning
- ------------------------------------------------
- cursed a cursed item (includes bad ego
- items and artifacts)
- good an enchanted item (includes good
- ego items and artifacts)
- ***** <Identifying>
- === Identifying Objects ===
- Although each player may, to a lessor or greater extent, rely on their
- pseudo-id ability to ascertain the quality of some items. For the most
- part you will need to identify them before you can ascertain how much
- use they will be to you. There are several methods of identifying items
- available to you. These include Scrolls of Identify and *Identify*,
- Staves and Rods of Perception, spells and prayers and services from
- town buildings among others.
- There is an important difference between 'identify'ing an object and
- '*identify*'ing an object. 'Identify'ing an object will reveal its
- correct description (including ego type where applicable), any plusses
- to combat or armor class and its bonus to stats and abilities (its
- 'pval') if it has one. '*Identify*'ing an item will reveal all
- information about an object including its additional fixed and random
- abilities if any. Once *Identified*, you may review the full abilities
- of an object by using the 'I'nspect command.
- Another means of identifying flavored items it to sell them to a shop.
- Having purchased the item, the shopkeeper will inform you what it is
- that you have sold. This can be a useful technique in the early game
- but exposes you to the risk of selling an unidentified item that had
- been generated out of depth and which you might have preferred to keep
- for yourself.
- Note: you will automatically have full knowledge about any item that
- you purchase in the town.
- ***** <EgoObjects>
- === Ego Objects ===
- In addition to the ordinary weapons and armor your character may find
- in the dungeon, some of them may be endowed with additional powers.
- These objects fall into three types: (1) artifacts which are dealt with
- below and can be identified by their name; (2) Ego Weapons which are
- described more fully in Attacking Monsters (see attack.txt#EgoArtifact
- [6]); and (3) Ego Armors which are discussed more fully in Defending
- Yourself (see defend.txt#EgoArtifact [7]).
- Unlike artifacts which are unique and may only be found once in each
- game, it is not unusual to find several Ego Weapons or Ego Armor of the
- same type during the course of a character's adventures.
- Note that some Ego Armor types are limited to only certain types of
- armor. For example, you can find a Shield of Elvenkind but not Boots of
- Elvenkind.
- ***** <Artifacts>
- === Artifacts ===
- Of all the objects in Zangband that you might find, by far the most
- important group are artifacts. Artifacts are unique items with
- additional properties such as increasing or sustaining one or more
- of your stats and granting resistances or abilities. Often an
- artifact cab be 'A'ctivated for a magical effect. These can be
- Extremely useful - especially for classes that are weak in magic.
- There are two types of artifacts - fixed and random. The fixed
- artifacts each have entries in the lib/edit/a_info.txt file
- and consequently have a chance of appearing in each game you play.
- On the other hand, random artifacts are created by the game and
- have both random names and random properties. Once created, there
- is only a vanishingly small chance you will ever see one exactly
- the same again.
- --- (Non-) Preserve Mode ---
- One important thing to note when considering artifacts is your
- initial choice of (non-)preserve mode. in non-preserve mode, once a
- fixed artifact is generated (either on the dungeon floor or in a
- monster drop), it will never be generated again during that game.
- This means that if you miss the artifact by leaving the level before
- you pick it up it is gone forever. On the other hand, in preserve mode
- this behavior is only exhibited once you have identified the artifact.
- It is therefor safer to leave a level before it is completely explored
- as any fixed artifact can be regenerated in subsequent levels.
- --- Special feelings ---
- If you have stayed on the previous level long enough, on entering a
- new level you will receive a 'feeling' which reflects the quality
- of the monsters and objects on the level. Feelings are discussed in
- more detail in the Town and Dungeon section. One possible feeling
- is 'You have a special feeling about this level'. This message is
- only given when playing in non-preserve mode and is an indicator
- that you have either a monster pit, vault or artifact on the level.
- Artifacts always cause special feelings but pits and vaults are
- increasingly less likely to do so as you get deeper in the dungeon.
- At very deep levels, special feelings are almost always artifacts.
- Note: In non-preserve mode, you can still find artifacts on
- levels that did not give a special feeling but these will always
- be the result of a monster dropping them.
- --- Random Artifacts ---
- In addition to the standard artifacts which are potentially available
- in every game. Zangband will also occasionally generate a 'random'
- artifact. Any weapon or piece of armor as well Amulets of the Magi and
- Rings of Lordly Protection have a chance of becoming a random artifact.
- Note that random artifacts can be both good and bad and of greatly
- varying quality. Unlike standard artifacts, the in-game spoilers will
- not contain details of their special powers and so you must *identify*
- if you wish to ascertain this information.
- ***** <RandomAbilities>
- === Random Abilities of Objects ===
- In addition to the ordinary weapons, armor and other equipment your
- character may find in the dungeon, some such items may be endowed with
- additional powers such as sustains, resistances and abilities. Such
- items fall into three categories: (1) artifacts; (2) ego items; and (3)
- ordinary items which grant additional powers. In addition to their
- fixed powers, some of these objects may also be granted an additional
- power (or powers) in a random fashion.
- The random powers of objects may be either guaranteed (so that objects
- of that type will always have an additional random power) or may have a
- varying chance of being granted (so that only some of the objects of
- that type will have an additional random power). A few rare objects
- have the possibility of having multiple random powers. Random powers
- fall into three categories as follows:
- Extra Sustains
- --------------
- Sustain Strength
- Sustain Intelligence
- Sustain Wisdom
- Sustain Dexterity
- Sustain Constitution
- Sustain Charisma
- Extra Resistances
- -----------------
- Resist Blindness
- Resist Confusion
- Resist Sound
- Resist Shards
- Resist Nether
- Resist Nexus
- Resist Chaos
- Resist Disenchantment
- Resist Poison
- Resist Light
- Resist Dark
- Extra Powers
- ------------
- Levitation
- Permanent Light
- See Invisible
- Telepathy
- Slow Digestion
- Regeneration
- Free Action
- Hold Life
- ***** <Inscriptions>
- === Object Inscriptions ===
- You may "inscribe" any object with a textual inscription of your
- choice. These inscriptions are not limited in length, though you may
- not be able to see the whole inscription on the item. The inscription
- is displayed inside curly braces after the object description. The
- inscription is limited to the particular object (or pile) and is not
- automatically transferred to all similar objects. (You should review
- the effect of the two options for merging inscriptions to see how
- this can be done).
- The game provides some inscriptions automatically to help you keep
- track of your possessions. Wands and staves which are known to be empty
- will be inscribed with {empty}. Flavored objects which have been tried
- at least once but haven't been identified yet will be inscribed with
- {tried}. Known cursed objects are inscribed with {cursed} (or
- {uncursed} if they have been uncursed). Broken objects may be inscribed
- with {broken}. Also, any item which was purchased at a discount,
- implying that it is slightly "sub-standard", will be inscribed with the
- appropriate "discount", such as {25% off}.
- In addition, Zangband will occasionally place an inscription on an
- object for you, normally as the result of your character getting a
- "feeling" about the item indicating its quality. All characters will
- get "feelings" about weapons and armor after carrying them for a while.
- Automatically generated inscriptions fall into two categories - "real"
- and "fake". The difference between the two is that "fake" inscriptions
- can not be removed (although they can be covered up by another
- inscription). For example, the discount inscription is fake and can not
- be removed.
- --- Making use of Inscriptions ---
- Some players use the inscription feature to record useful and/or
- interesting facts about an object such as where and how it was acquired
- or what its abilities and powers are. However, in addition to this,
- inscriptions can be used in far more powerful ways. Many comands in
- Zangband require you to specify an object from your inventory such as
- which potion you wish to 'q'uaff or which staff you wish to 'u'se.
- Inscriptions offer a powerful way of managing this and provide a useful
- labor saving tool.
- The {@x#} Inscription
- ---------------------
- The {@x#} inscription (where 'x' is the key to activate a specfic
- command and '#' is a number from 0 to 9) is, perhaps the most commonly
- used inscription. When you select command 'x', followed by a number
- '#', the game searches for an object with the inscription {@x#} and
- performs that command upon it. Thus if the player inscribes a Potion of
- Healing as {@q1}, then pressing 'q1' will quaff it automatically. This
- feature is useful because as items are added or removed from your
- inventory, the actual slot that they are in changes. However, the
- inscription will work regardless of the position.
- Note that you can inscribe multiple different objects with the same
- inscription {@x#}. If you do so, the command 'x#' will act on the first
- appropriately inscribed object in your inventory list and not on each
- of them.
- Also note that you can place multiple such inscriptions on a single
- object. So that a spell book might be inscribed {@m1@b1@G1} since the
- cast spell, browse book, and gain spell commands each require a spell
- book reference as an argument. You can also inscribe the same command
- more than one so that food item might be inscribed {@E@1E2}
- Example 1:
- You have a primary weapon and a shovel. You normally use the
- weapon but want to use the shovel for mining treasure. Inscribe
- your primary weapon with {@w0} and your shovel with {@w1}. Then,
- when you want to wield your shovel, you can press 'w1' and to
- re-wield your sword you can press 'w0' regardless of where in the
- inventory they are located at the time.
- Note: you can also inscribe both weapons with {@w0} and just press
- 'w0' whenever you want to exchange weapon and shovel.
- Example 2:
- To cast the first spell from your first spell book, you would
- normally type 'maa' and to cast the fisrt spell from the second
- book, you would type 'mba'. However, if your first book is stolen
- or destroyed, pressing 'mba' would no longer cast the spell you
- wanted. This often leads to people people to cast spells
- incorrectly. Instead inscribe your first spell book with {@m1},
- your second with {@m2}, etc. Cast spells by typing 'm1a', 'm2a',
- etc. Even if your other spell books are lost, you will never need
- to worry about casting the wrong spell.
- Example 3:
- You are carrying some Rations of Food and some Elvish Waybread.
- You wish to use up the Rations first before eating the Waybread,
- but also want to be able to use the healing/curing properties of
- the Waybread in an emergency. You would inscribe the Rations with
- {@E1} and the Waybread with {@E1@E2}. Since the Rations appear
- before the Waybread on the inventory listing, typing 'E1' will
- ensure you eat all the Rations first before touching the Waybread
- but that you only ever have to press E1 to eat. But, pressing 'E2'
- will bypass the Rations and jump to the Waybread. Some players also
- do similar things with cure and healing potions.
- The {@#} Inscription
- ---------------------
- The {@#} inscription (where '#' is a number from 0 to 9) is similar
- to the {@x#} inscription except that it works for any command. Thus, if
- you engrave both your digging instrument and your primary weapon with
- {@0}, pressing 'w0' will wield whichever one is not being currently
- wielded. However, if you had also inscribed a potion with {@0}, you
- would instead get an error message because the potion appears first in
- the inventory and you can not wield potions.
- The {!x} Inscription
- --------------------
- The {!x} inscription (where 'x' is the key to activate a specfic
- command) will induce "verification" whenever that object is "selected".
- Thus, inscribing {!v!k!d} on an object will greatly reduce the odds of
- you "losing" it by accident. This is because any attempt to throw it
- ('f'), destroy it ('k') or drop it ('d') will prompt Zangband to verify
- whether or not you really wish to take that action.
- Note that inscribing {!*} on an object will prompt Zangband to verify
- any action thus you allowing you to be very paranoid about the object.
- Also note that "selling" and "dropping" both use the "d" command so
- that inscribing an item with {!d} will also prevent you from selling it
- by accident.
- The {^x} Inscription
- --------------------
- The {^x} inscription (where 'x' is the key to activate a specific
- command) will induce verification before taking that action. One
- common example of its usage is to inscribe boots with {^<^>} which will
- verify the user's command to leave the level via the staircases before
- actually doing so.
- The {=g} Inscription
- --------------------
- The {=g} inscription on an object prompts Zangband to automatically
- pick it up. This instruction overrides any auto-pickup options chosen
- chosen by the player (if necessary). The primary prupose is to allow
- easy retrieval of missiles such as arrows and bolts once they have been
- fired at a target.
- ***** <ObjectTypes>
- === The Object Types ===
- Ammunition ('{')
- Ammunition of various types and quality is a frequent find in the
- dungeon and is usually found in 'piles'. In order to get the full
- benefit from ammunition it must be 'f'ired from the appropriate
- missile launcher but me also be thrown. Slings fire pebbles and
- shots, bows fire arrows and crossbows fire bolts.
- Missile Launchers ('}')
- There are several types of missile launchers from slings to heavy
- crossbows. Each type of launcher has its own ammunition (see above).
- Missile launchers must be 'w'ielded before they can be used and will
- be placed in the 'b' equipment slot.
- Weapons ('|', '/', '\')
- There are numerous types of weapons in the dungeons. Each weapon
- varies in terms of its weight and based damage dice. Weapons must be
- 'w'ielded before they can be used and will be placed in the 'a'
- equipment slot.
- Armor ('[', '(', ')', ']')
- Armor may be worn on your body (the 'g' equipment slot), cloaks may
- worn about your body (the 'h' equipment slot), shields may be worn
- on your arm (the 'i' equipment slot), head gear (caps, helms and
- crowns) are worn on your head (the 'j' equipment slot), gloves and
- gauntlets and cesti are worn on your hands (the 'k' equipment slot)
- and boots are worn on your feet (the 'l' equipment slot). Armor of
- any kind must be 'w'ielded before it can be used.
- worn on your
- Amulets ('"')
- Amulets are flavored items and are worn around your neck (the 'e'
- equipment slot) and must be 'w'ielded before they can be used.
- Rings ('=')
- Rings are flavored items. You may wear one ring each of your left
- and your right hand (the 'c' and 'd' equipment slot) and must be
- 'w'ielded before they can be used.
- Scrolls ('?')
- Scrolls are flavored items which must be 'r'ead to benefit from
- their effect. Most scrolls serve utility purposes.
- Potions ('!')
- Potions are flavored items and must be 'q'uaffed before they have
- an effect on you. Some potions may be thrown at monsters and will
- have an effect on them when the potion shatters. Similarly, you may
- occasionally be carrying a potion which shatters during combat and
- thus spreading its effects on the monsters around you.
- Food (',')
- Various food items are scattered throughout the dungeons and must
- be 'E'aten for the player to gain nutritional value. If you do not
- eat regularly you will become hungry and then weak. Eventually, you
- will begin to faint from hunger and will finally die of starvation.
- Note: undead races gain little or no nutritional value from food
- and must therefore obtain nourishment in some other manner.
- Mushrooms (',')
- Mushrooms are a flavored food item that grant nutritional value and
- also have a magical effect on the player. As you might expect, not
- all of these are beneficial. They must be 'E'aten.
- Note: undead races will get little or no nutritional value from
- eating mushrooms but will experience any magical effects.
- Wands ('-')
- Wands are flavored, magical devices containing a finite number of
- 'charges'. Each charge represents a single use of the wand and
- using the wand reduces the number of charges available by one. Once
- empty, the wand must be 'recharged' before it can be used again. In
- general, wands will fire a bolt, beam or ball rather than have an
- area affect. Wands do not normally affect the player directly and
- are generally useful for attacking purposes. Wands must be 'a'imed
- and most wands will require a target.
- Staffs ('_')
- Staves are a flavored item and are made of various types of wood.
- Like wands, they contain a limited number of charges and must be
- recharged when empty. In general, staves have an area affect or
- act on the player. Unlike wands, few staves may be used directly
- for offense. Staves must be 'u'sed and do not require a target.
- Rods ('-')
- Rods are similar to both wands and staves in that many magical
- effects available from wands and staves are also available from
- rods. The main difference is that a rod carries a single charge but
- over time will recharge itself. Typically, the better the rod, the
- longer it will take to recharge itself. This means you have an
- unlimited supply of the magical effect but can only use it
- infrequently compared to a wand or staff which can be used each
- turn until it is empty. Rods must be 'z'apped and many rods will
- require a target.
- Spellbooks ('?')
- There are four spell books for each of the magic realms and which
- are found either in the shops or at varying depths in the dungeons.
- If you are are a spellcaster, you may 'b'rowse any book belonging
- to your chosen realm(s) to see what spells it contains. You may not
- browse books from realms other than those that your character has
- chosen. You may learn new spells with the 'g' command and cast them
- with the '*' command.
- Chests ('&')
- Chests are complex objects, containing traps, locks, and possibly
- treasure or other objects inside them once they are opened. Many of
- the commands that apply to traps or doors also apply to chests and,
- like traps and doors, these commands do not work if you are
- carrying the chest.
- Magical Figurines ('`')
- A figurine is a small. magical replica of a monster from the
- dungeon. When a figurine is thrown, a pet of the figurine's monster
- type will be generated.
- Statues (''')
- Statues made of various materials can be found throughout the
- dungeon. Unlike figurines, they have no magical attributes but may
- be worth selling depending upon the material from which they are
- made.
- Corpses ('~')
- You may sometimes find the corpses and skeletons of monsters and
- other adventurers that have died in the dungeons.
- Various Junk ('~')
- Like any dungeon, you should expect to find various junk items like
- broken sticks, empty bottles, etc. lying around. While most of this
- junk is useless, iron spikes can be used to 'j'am doors to prevent
- a monster from chasing you.
- Light Sources ('~')
- Various light sources and their fuel may also be found in the
- dungeon. You may refill your light source if you are carrying the
- appropriate items by using the 'F' command. Lanterns can be filled
- with flasks of oil and torches combined with other torches.
- --
- Original : (??)
- Updated : (??)
- Updated : Zangband DevTeam
- Last update: May 25, 2001
- ***** Begin Hyperlinks
- ***** [1] option.txt#UserInterface
- ***** [2] option.txt#Stacking
- ***** [3] objects.txt#Artifacts
- ***** [4] objects.txt#Inscriptions
- ***** [5] objects.txt#Identifying
- ***** [6] attack.txt#EgoArtifact
- ***** [7] defend.txt#EgoArtifact